• Faulty vision

Anisometropia: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

  • 2 Minutes reading time
  • Created on 15 April 2024

Have you got questions about anisometropia? This condition is a lot more common than many people think and can be treated in a few different ways. Here, we’ll explore anisometropia symptoms, its causes, and potential treatments.

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What Is Anisometropia?

Anisometropia is a condition where there are two different refractive errors between the eyes. It can be characterised as a difference of one or more diopters between the eyes, which leads to blurred vision.

There are actually six anisometropia types, including:

  1. Simple
  2. Compound
  3. Mixed
  4. Simple astigmatic
  5. Compound astigmatic
  6. Mixed astigmatic

With so many anisometropia types, it can be a little confusing to know which one you may fall into! But don’t worry, your ophthalmologist will be able to distinguish between the different types of anisometropia, and how exactly to treat them.

Sometimes, you might get confused between conditions like anisometropia and amblyopia, as both can cause blurred vision. While anisometropia and amblyopia do differ, there is a link between these two conditions. In severe cases, anisometropia can lead to amblyopia. Amblyopia is a condition commonly referred to as ‘lazy eye’ and can affect the ability to see clearly out of both eyes.

How Common is Anisometropia?

Interestingly, anisometropia can affect anyone and is relatively common, with an estimated 28% of the population being affected by this condition. Anisometropia can be present at birth and may only be detected in young children after conducting an eye test. However, in early childhood, anisometropia can become less severe.

Can anisometropia develop in adults? The answer is yes. Although you can be born with anisometropia, it is more common among adults and can develop as you get older.

What Causes Anisometropia?

Anisometropia causes can be genetic or brought on by factors like ageing, disease, corneal injuries, or certain surgeries. It can be caused by vision problems like unequal far-sightedness (hyperopia) or near-sightedness (myopia).

You can also get anisometropia after cataract surgery. When getting cataract surgery on both eyes, your doctor will only be able to operate on one eye at a time. While recovering from the first operation and waiting for the second, you may experience anisometropia as a result of your vision trying to adjust.

Symptoms of Anisometropia

Small differences in refractive errors between the eyes may not cause any problems, however, in more severe cases, some anisometropia symptoms include:

  • Double vision
  • Blurred vision
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Poor depth perception
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Eye pain or discomfort

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s best that you talk to your ophthalmologist for guidance.

How To Treat Anisometropia?

Can anisometropia be corrected at all? Treatment of anisometropia depends on the difference in refractive power between the eyes. Some anisometropia treatment methods include using visual aids like glasses or contact lenses, getting laser eye treatment, or even lens implantation.

Visual Aids

Prescription glasses or contact lenses can be used to treat anisometropia, however, they are usually used to treat those with a diopter value difference of 4.00D or less between the eyes.

Laser Eye Treatment

Another anisometropia treatment method is corrective laser eye surgery. Laser eye surgery such as Femto-LASIK can correct vision problems like myopia, hypermetropia, and astigmatism, which ultimately treats anisometropia.

Want to explore the benefits of certain laser eye treatments in more detail? Read our article ‘Trans-PRK vs Femto-LASIK Compared.’

Lens Implantation

Lens implantation is another treatment for anisometropia. To correct the anisometropia, an artificial lens is inserted, replacing your natural lens without removing it. For anisometropia specifically after cataract surgery, your ophthalmologist may recommend lens implantation surgery as the best anisometropia treatment solution.

Considering laser eye treatment for vision problems like anisometropia? Book a free, no-obligation initial consultation with betterview today to find out more about your options and suitability.

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