20/20 vision without compromise

Free Examination
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Back to 20/20 vision in just 15 minutes in a feel-good atmosphere

The actual laser eye treatment only takes 15 minutes for both eyes.

Four simple steps

Your laser eye treatment at betterview takes place in four simple steps:

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Preliminary exam

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Within 30 minutes, we'll do a no-obligation, free initial assessment to see whether you qualify.


Main exam

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In 45 minutes, our ophthalmologists will complete all the necessary exams to determine the available treatment options. The main exam is also free and non-binding for you.



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Perfect vision in 15 minutes. A feel-good atmosphere awaits you in our modern clinics.



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Depending on your treatment option, the follow-up takes place either directly the next day or after five days.

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Highest quality of life

After your laser eye treatment, you'll have a whole new sense of freedom. No more restrictions—anywhere. 98% of patients report better quality of life after laser vision correction.

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No glasses or contact lenses costs

Your laser eye treatment will pay for itself in a short time. Compared to buying lenses and vision aids on a regular basis, you'll be saving money every month. 82% of patients even save over £1,000.- year after year!

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No more looking for glasses

"Have you seen my glasses?" This phrase will be a thing of the past, as will be the regular buying of contact lenses late at night.

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No restrictions during sports

Jogging, biking, soccer, tennis. No matter what you like to do—in the future, you won't have to worry about anything. Just have fun playing sports!

Free appointment image

During a 30-minute, no-obligation, free initial consultation on site, we'll find out whether you can have your vision corrected with a laser and which treatment option is best for you.

Free Examination


Frequently asked questions

Here you can find the most important questions and answers about betterview. If your question cannot be answered here, please feel free to contact us.

What is the probability of success for my laser vision correction?

Exceptionally high. In about 95% of the treatments, there are no residual vision defects. But if this is the case, they can usually be corrected with a second surgery.

Can vision be corrected with a laser more than once?

Yes, if your cornea is thick enough.

Does laser vision correction last a lifetime?

Yes. Usually, after your laser eye surgery, you won't need glasses for distance for the rest of your life. Deterioration is very rare, and if it happens, it affects patients who already had a very high diopter value before the surgery.

Are there any scientific studies and findings on laser eye treatment?

Laser eye surgeries have been successfully performed since the 1990s. During this time, over 35 million corrections have taken place worldwide. Based on this large number, the following can be summarized from various studies:

  • About 90% of patients with nearsightedness of up to -6 diopters can manage without visual aids after laser eye treatment.
  • At 0.5%, the risk of complications is similarly low to that of contact lens wearers.

For which age group is laser eye treatment an option?

Basically, about 98% of 18- to 45-year-olds are eligible for laser eye treatment. In some circumstances, laser correction is also possible for people over 45 years of age. As a rule, however, the replacement of the lenses is preferable from this age. We offer this as well. Which treatment method is actually suitable for you will be clarified and discussed in detail in our free and non-binding examinations.

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