Timeline of your lens implantation
We will guide you step by step through the timeline of your lens treatment, so you know exactly what to expect. From the initial preliminary examination through the actual treatment and follow-up check - here you'll get all the important information to be well prepared and feel secure.
- Before the treatment
Preliminary and main examination
After your free and non-binding preliminary examination, the main examination follows. It is important that you refrain from wearing contact lenses for four days prior and avoid participating in traffic after the appointment, as eye drops will impair your vision for several hours. During the main examination, your visual acuity, cornea, and retina will be examined to determine the best treatment method for you.
- Day of treatment
Procedure and process of treatment
At the third appointment, an artificial lens is placed in front of the natural lens to permanently correct the refractive error. You will be given transparent eye shields for the way home and will need someone to accompany you. Plan for approximately 1.5 hours for the entire appointment, including preparation and the journey home.
- After the first few hours
Possible symptoms
Immediately after the procedure, you may experience light sensitivity, red eyes, and a sensation of having a foreign object in your eye. Other possible symptoms include cloudy vision, watery, dry, burning, or swollen eyes. It is recommended to wear sunglasses during the first few hours to protect against glare and foreign particles.*
- After 24 hours
First follow-up check
The first follow-up check takes place the day after the procedure. During this appointment, your visual performance without corrective lenses will be assessed for the first time following the lens treatment. Typically, the confirmation for the traffic authority can also be issued at this stage. In general, you can resume your normal daily activities.
- After 7 days
Second follow-up check
Your second follow-up appointment takes place one week later. By this point, you will have already adapted well to the lens. Please continue to follow the hygiene measures and use the eye drops as outlined in your drop schedule.
- After 14 days
Back to normal routine
Swimming, sports, and sauna use are permitted again, as is wearing makeup around the eye area. If you have any questions about when you can resume specific daily activities, feel free to contact our medical team in-store or reach out to our customer care team by phone at any time.
- After 2 months
Final follow-up check
Approximately two months later, a final follow-up appointment takes place. During this visit, your visual performance will be assessed one last time, and the healing process of the eye will be ensured.
*Please note that the perception of pain and symptoms can vary and be individually pronounced from person to person. Therefore, the timeline may also be slightly different for you.