Back to 100% vision with No-Touch-PRK

What is Trans-PRK?

Trans-PRK is a type of laser eye surgery. It is a further development of PRK which is especially a good alternative for people with thin corneas who are not eligible for treatment with Femto-LASIK. Trans-PRK is particularly suitable for the treatment of myopia and astigmatism. Correction of hypermetropia is also possible with low diopter values.

Where can I get Trans-PRK surgery in London?

betterview is one of the best laser eye surgeries in London bringing Swiss precision and quality to the UK. We offer personalised eye treatments and the latest Trans-PRK technology at our Westfield White City clinic. Book a free consultation with our highly-qualified team to start your Trans-PRK surgery today.

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Quite simply

The Trans-PRK procedure in four steps

Your Trans-PRK surgery at betterview in London takes place in four simple steps:

Four simple steps image

Preliminary exam

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In a free and non-binding preliminary examination, we determine whether and which laser eye treatment - Trans-PRK or Femto-LASIK - is suitable for you. In particular, we take a look at your cornea, eye lenses and corrective devices. The preliminary exam takes about 30 minutes at our London clinic.


Primary exam

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The primary exam takes about 45 minutes and is also free of charge with no obligation. Our ophthalmologist will conduct any other necessary examinations to ensure the best possible treatment for your needs.


Trans-PRK surgery

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First, your eyes will be treated with numbing drops, then the uppermost corneal layer of the eye (the epithelium) is ablated using state-of-the-art laser technology. The correction of the refractive error can then be performed, also by laser. The Trans-PRK procedure takes less than 15 minutes for both eyes.


Follow-up visits

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The epithelium grows back within three to five days of the laser treatment. After five days, a first follow-up visit will take place at our Westfield White City clinic in order to examine the healing of your eyes and the progress of your visual acuity in detail.

Laser eye treatment with TransPRK

TransPRK explained

Here is a video on the requirements, procedure and benefits of a Trans-PRK treatment.

Procedure TransPRK

Watch the video to find out how a Trans-PRK treatment works.

Laser eye treatment with TransPRK

Find out all about the Trans-PRK treatment method.

Comparison of our laser eye treatments

Chiara talks about the differences between the Femto-LASIK and Trans-PRK laser eye treatments.

Can you have your eyes re-lasered?

Chiara explains whether, when and how often you can have your eyes re-lasered.

Laser eye surgery for astigmatism

Watch the video to find out what astigmatism is and when laser eye treatment is possible.

Recovery after Trans-PRK laser eye treatment

Watch the video to find out what you need to consider after a laser treatment and everything you need to know for an optimal healing process.

Can I have my eyes lasered image - left

What you need

Am I a good candidate for laser eye surgery with Trans-PRK?

Trans-PRK is an excellent alternative to Femto-LASIK, the most commonly used laser eye surgery method, especially for thin corneas and high ametropia. It is also particularly gentle for dry eyes.

The following conditions should apply to you:

  • Shortsightedness, astigmatism or slight farsightedness
  • Myopia up to -8.00 dioptres
  • Astigmatism up to 6.00 dioptres
  • Farsightedness up to +3.00 dioptres
  • You are of legal age
  • Your eyes are healthy

If the above sounds like you, then get in touch with our Trans-PRK laser eye surgeons at our London clinic today.

Advantages of the Trans-PRK

In this section, we should answer some questions related to Trans-PRK eye surgery.

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100% vision

In most cases, 100% vision can be achieved with Trans-PRK. If full vision is not achieved, laser vision correction can usually be repeated in a second treatment.

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Your eyes will be treated exclusively with the laser. Trans-PRK is thus completely contact-free, which enables the highest level of precision.

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Treatment in just 15 minutes

The actual correction with the laser takes only a few seconds per eye. After about 15 minutes, the treatment is already completed on both eyes.

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Maximum safety

Trans-PRK is performed using the latest laser technology. The eye tracker automatically switches off the laser at the slightest eye movement.

Free appointment image

During a 30-minute, no-obligation, free initial consultation on site, we'll find out whether you can have your vision corrected with a laser and which treatment option is best for you.

Free Examination


Frequently asked questions about Trans-PRK

Here you can find the most important questions and answers about betterview. If your question cannot be answered here, please feel free to contact us.

Which is best, Trans-PRK or Femto-LASIK?

Femto-LASIK is the most commonly used eye laser method. It is completely painless, the healing time is extremely short and full vision is achieved the very next day.

With Trans-PRK, the healing process takes somewhat longer - it is therefore used in particular as an alternative to Femto-LASIK, for example in cases of thin corneas and high ametropia. Find more information about Trans-PRK vs Femto-LASIK and suitability for laser eye surgery on our blog.

What is the difference between Trans-PRK and PRK?

The Trans-PRK is a further development of the PRK method. The biggest difference is that Trans-PRK is performed with no contact at all - only the laser works on the cornea. It is therefore also referred to as No-Touch PRK. In classic PRK, on the other hand, the top layer of the cornea is not removed automatically with the laser, but manually.

When will I be able to see clearly after Trans-PRK?

After Trans-PRK surgery you can expect a recovery time of 4-6 weeks until your eyes are completely healed and the full visual performance is achieved. However, about 5 days after the procedure, most of those treated are ready to return to work and can drive again.

How long do Trans-PRK results last?

The results of laser vision correction with Trans-PRK usually last for a lifetime. However, it should be noted that the treatment does not protect against the development of further refractive errors. Presbyopia in particular, which begins around the age of 45, can make a visual aid necessary again or, alternatively, be permanently corrected with a refractive lens fitting.

What side effects can occur after Trans-PRK?

Trans-PRK is considered an exceedingly safe laser treatment, with very few side effects such as light sensitivity, watery and red eyes, and a gritty feeling. In the first few days after treatment, vision may vary slightly and be blurred. Slight pain may also occur in the treated eye, but this can be treated well with eye drops or analgesics.

How much does Trans-PRK cost?

Trans-PRK treatment costs can vary depending on the provider. At betterview, our laser eye surgery procedure in London costs £1,990 – per eye. This fixed price includes all aspects of treatment including a 3-year warranty⁷. The preliminary and main examinations at betterview are free of charge and without obligation - you only pay if you actually decide to undergo the treatment. Instalment payments are also an option.